Monday, January 20, 2020

It's been soooooo long!

For whatever reason, this blog popped into my mind a few weeks ago and when I took a break from life on this busy Saturday (oops, its Monday now!) I looked it up to see what I could see. Looks like my last post (not that there are very many) was in 2011. Ummm....its 2020 people. And I'm here to tell you, a lot can happen in 9 years! So I guess I've shown myself not to be much of a blogger. The truth is, I don't enjoy writing. I find it tedious and boring. But I have found that I like looking back and reading my thoughts about events I don't always remember. Ella turned 2 in Dec of 2011. She's 10 now. Shes recently been diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis and enthesitis related arthritis specifically. It's been pretty hard on her. She's on weekly injections of a drug called methotrexate that has lots of yucky side effects. She's handling it fairly well, but having an autoimmune disease is certainly not fun. Especially when it brings lots of pain and discomfort. She's a real trooper though! We are so proud of her courage! And surprise! We had another baby! Oopsie! He's pretty dang awesome though and I have loved every minute of his 20 months of life. His name is Thad and he was born May 23, 2018. I was 42 and really couldn't imagine another baby. I cried a little when I found out I was pregnant again. But what a joy he is in my life. I'm so thankful Heavenly Father has a better plan than I do. Because if I'd had my way there wouldn't have been any more babies. Even more amazing news! Jenna is married and has a week old baby girl! Such an incredible sweet little girl! I'm a grandma! And I couldn't be happier about that! Haley is getting married in less than 2 weeks! Life is getting interesting around here. I should mention our sons-in-law. They are pretty cool guys. Jenna married Ahmet and he is turning out to be one awesome dad. Haley is marrying Garrett and I think Thad is going to be the president of his fan club. Wyatt is LPO (leading petty officer) of his sea cadet unit and is so good at it. Braden and Gracie are both members of sea cadets also and the three of them are becoming pretty great people. I see lots of good contributions to the world from all these kids of mine. Freddie and I have been married 25 years now and I truly can't imagine not having him with me every step of the way of this super fun journey of life. Anyway, maybe I'll write more here, maybe not. But I'm going to try!

Monday, April 11, 2011

I loved this poem!

My sister posted a poem on facebook today that I absolutely loved. My husband and I have been fasting and praying to know what our next step will be. Just in life in general. We'd really like to build a house. So we laid out a plan to follow so that hopefully, if things go well, we can do that in a year or so. Of course that means all our extra money goes into savings and not one dime gets spent frivolously. Which is fine. But boy all those seven children cost a fortune! Each one with their own needs and desires. So this poem really was touching. Thanks Leslie for helping me see just exactly what it is I want in life. Not only this one, but in the eternities as well. Lands and gold will be nice, but only if I have the people who mean the most by my side to share them with!


Which shall it be? Which shall it be?

I looked at John - John looked at me;

Dear, patient John, who loves me yet

As well as though my locks were jet.

And when I found that I must speak,

My voice seemed strangely low and weak:

"Tell me again what Robert said!"

And then I, listening, bent my head.

"This is his letter:"

"'I will give

A house and land while you shall live,

If, in return, from out your seven,

One child to me for aye is given.'"

I looked at John's old garments worn,

I thought of all that John had borne

Of poverty, and work, and care,

Which I, though willing, could not share;

I thought of seven mouths to feed,

Of seven little children's need,

And then of this.

"Come, John," said I,

"We'll choose among them as they lie

Asleep;" so, walking hand in hand

Dear John and I surveyed our band.

First to the cradle light we stepped,

Where Lilian the baby slept,

A glory 'gainst the pillow white.

Softly the father stooped to lay

His rough hand down in loving way,

When dream or whisper made her stir,

And huskily he said: "Not her!"

We stooped beside the trundle-bed,

And one long ray of lamplight shed

Athwart the boyish faces there,

In sleep so pitiful and fair;

I saw on Jamie's rough, red cheek

A tear undried. Ere John could speak,

"He's but a baby, too," said I,

And kissed him as we hurried by.

Pale, patient Robbie's angel face

Still in his sleep bore suffering's trace:

"No, for a thousand crowns, not him,"

He whispered, while our eyes were dim.

Poor Dick! Bad Dick! Our wayward son,

Turbulent, reckless, idle one-

Could he be spared? "Nay, He who gave,

Bade us befriend him to the grave;

Only a mother's heart can be

Patient enough for such as he;

And so," said John, "I would not dare

To send him from her bedside prayer."

Then stole we softly up above

And knelt by Mary, child of love,

"Perhaps for her 't would better be,"

I said to John. Quite silently

He lifted up a curl that lay

Across her cheek in willful way,

And shook his head. "Nay, love, not thee,"

The while my heart beat audibly.

Only one more, our eldest lad,

Trusty and truthful, good and glad -

So, like his father. "No, John, no -

I can not, will not let him go."

And so we wrote in courteous way,

We could not drive one child away.

And afterward, toil lighter seemed,

Thinking of that of which we dreamed;

Happy, in truth, that not one face

We missed from it's accustomed place;

Thankful to work for all the seven,

Trusting the rest to One in heaven!

by: Mrs. E. L. Beers

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Great Quote!

Do not trust your memory, it is a net full of holes. The most beautiful prizes slip through it. -Author Unknown

New look!

I've been playing around with my blog all day and think I've finally found a look I like. It had to be simple (I'm a simple gal!) but fun. I'll probably keep messing around with it because I have no idea how to get all the cute things on it I see on my friends pages. So if you have any suggestions for me, let me have it! I'm tired of being boring!

Friday, February 18, 2011

LDS Media

I got sent a letter the other day asking me to take part in an LDS Media survey. It was really about the benefits of the different media outlets and how I use them as a missionary tool. Wow folks, I want you to know I absolutely need to do more. There was a list of about 10 ways where I was asked to check all that apply about how I share the gospel. I could only check 3. I guess I get so caught up in my own little world that I don't branch out enough. I know we all have that issue but right now that doesn't make me feel any better. When I think about all the ways my life has been blessed because of my membership in The church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints I wonder how I can not share the gospel. And yet, somehow I manage to keep it myself so often. Not because I don't to share my testimony or because I don't have one, but mostly because I don't often put myself in positions to share. And so I will start here. The following paragraph will contain just a portion of my testimony. I will be happy to share more with anyone willing to listen.

I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior. I know that He came to earth as an infant to his mother Mary and his earthly father Joseph. I know that the things He taught are relevant still today. Most importantly I know that He atoned for our sins, that he willingly gave His life for us in the most unselfish act all mankind will ever witness. He had the power to stop His crucifixtion and chose to follow through because He loves us. I love Him and want to be with Him and my Father again one day. I'm so thankful to know that I can be. I know that Joseph Smith is the prophet of this dispensation. He was a great, though imperfect man. He was chosen as a boy to lead this church and did so with integrity, courage and strength. If I could have just a portion of his courage I should never fear. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know because I read it and then got on my knees and asked my Heavenly Father if the things contained therein were true and beneficial to my life. My prayers were answered with an undeniable "YES"! I know that all who read it with pure intent, seeking to know for themselves, will recieve the same answer. I love my Savior and my Father in Heaven with all my heart and am learning to put Them first in my life. I know I'll never prefect it, but I can sure try! I give you these things humbly, openly, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Shooting Sports!

Haley has joined a 4h club where they will learn to safely handle and shoot guns. She is so excited! I tried to convince Jenna to join as well, but no go. She's not interested. Oh well, to each their own. But at tonights meeting they chose officers and Haley was chosen as President. I'm not sure she knew what the job would entail when she volunteered but she was so cute up there leading the meeting. Haha! Already she has assignments and is all about doing it correctly. The parents got sent to the other room though to talk out some other issues so I only got to watch her for a few minutes. The club leader is making them be very formal so they have to use proper terms like "Madame President", "make a motion", "2nd the motion", "table the motion", and the like. The kids were too cute trying to remember all the right things to say and all the right ways to have a proper meeting. I loved it!

The parents were another story. Let me just tell you, I found out just exactly how much I do NOT know about proper gun care, safety, and shooting. We were charged with listing all the things needed for the range. Half of the things on the list were things I never heard of! Other things I wouldn't have thought of in a million years! Lol! You know who needs to join this club? Me!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Politics these days seem like a never ending battle. When will the people in our country come to their senses and pull ourselves out of this incredible recession? Ever? Not as long as Obama is office, of that I'm certain. We seem to be following the trends of the rest of the world. Loss of freedoms, higher taxes, higher spending, more entitlements meant to keep us in submission (who fights against the one who feeds them?), higher expenses. At the grocery store this morning spent more money than usual by almost half! Holy cow people! To fill my tank with gas I have to make two purchases. I drive a Suburban with a 26 gallon tank. Most stores set their pumps to accept a maximum of $75. My truck takes $90! And that was last week! This week it's sure to cost me $100! I think I'll go on stike. Well, I would if I could. How do go on strike against the cost of essentials? Stop eating? Hmmm, maybe I should try that. I just might lose a few pounds!