Thursday, February 17, 2011

Shooting Sports!

Haley has joined a 4h club where they will learn to safely handle and shoot guns. She is so excited! I tried to convince Jenna to join as well, but no go. She's not interested. Oh well, to each their own. But at tonights meeting they chose officers and Haley was chosen as President. I'm not sure she knew what the job would entail when she volunteered but she was so cute up there leading the meeting. Haha! Already she has assignments and is all about doing it correctly. The parents got sent to the other room though to talk out some other issues so I only got to watch her for a few minutes. The club leader is making them be very formal so they have to use proper terms like "Madame President", "make a motion", "2nd the motion", "table the motion", and the like. The kids were too cute trying to remember all the right things to say and all the right ways to have a proper meeting. I loved it!

The parents were another story. Let me just tell you, I found out just exactly how much I do NOT know about proper gun care, safety, and shooting. We were charged with listing all the things needed for the range. Half of the things on the list were things I never heard of! Other things I wouldn't have thought of in a million years! Lol! You know who needs to join this club? Me!

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